As Vice President at Berkley Re America, Philip Deramo has been writing white papers on Cyber Liability Insurance for several years. White papers are authoritative reports that address a specific issue, and are aimed at an audience outside the organization that originates the report.
White papers are a common marketing tool. Each one requires an understanding of a product’s technology and how it is used to solve technical business problems. They are intended to show customers that the vendor understands their problems, describe the technology, and explain why it is the best choice for customers. They can list ways in which you will be able to streamline internal communication, or suggest how to use a certain product for a technical purpose. Following are the steps you will need to follow to successfully write white papers.
1.You need to identify the main issue that your audience is facing and how you purpose to solve the problem. This should take the form of something that you can phrase in a few simple words, like “decreasing sales,” or “slow network speeds.”
2.Figure out what the level of expertise is for your audience, as well as their attention span. You don’t want your white paper to be too simplistic, or too complex.
3.Decide how long your white paper will be. Typically, these can range from a single page up to five pages in length. Its length depends on who will be reading it.
4.Choose a title for your white paper. This should be fairly generic and include the term “white paper.” You also want to make sure that the title describes the problem that is being addressed.
5.Use the introduction to the white paper to describe the problem that you have identified. Be sure to describe the problem in clear, precise terms. Keep the analysis of the problem short; no more than a single paragraph.
6.Next, list specific aspects of the problem. When doing this be sure to include figures, dates and names.
7.When discussing the issue, make sure you are providing the necessary background information about the problem. This can include things like a description of the market’s size or developments recently made in technology.
8.Adopt a step-by-step approach to describe how you propose to solve the problem. Be sure to make it clear exactly how you will implement your idea.
9.The closing paragraph of the white paper should summarize the problem and describe how you are planning on solving it. Be sure to also include the results you hope to see.
For Philip Deramo, Berkley Re America’s Vice President, the recent issue of Cyber Liability has been the topic of his white papers.
White papers are a common marketing tool. Each one requires an understanding of a product’s technology and how it is used to solve technical business problems. They are intended to show customers that the vendor understands their problems, describe the technology, and explain why it is the best choice for customers. They can list ways in which you will be able to streamline internal communication, or suggest how to use a certain product for a technical purpose. Following are the steps you will need to follow to successfully write white papers.
1.You need to identify the main issue that your audience is facing and how you purpose to solve the problem. This should take the form of something that you can phrase in a few simple words, like “decreasing sales,” or “slow network speeds.”
2.Figure out what the level of expertise is for your audience, as well as their attention span. You don’t want your white paper to be too simplistic, or too complex.
3.Decide how long your white paper will be. Typically, these can range from a single page up to five pages in length. Its length depends on who will be reading it.
4.Choose a title for your white paper. This should be fairly generic and include the term “white paper.” You also want to make sure that the title describes the problem that is being addressed.
5.Use the introduction to the white paper to describe the problem that you have identified. Be sure to describe the problem in clear, precise terms. Keep the analysis of the problem short; no more than a single paragraph.
6.Next, list specific aspects of the problem. When doing this be sure to include figures, dates and names.
7.When discussing the issue, make sure you are providing the necessary background information about the problem. This can include things like a description of the market’s size or developments recently made in technology.
8.Adopt a step-by-step approach to describe how you propose to solve the problem. Be sure to make it clear exactly how you will implement your idea.
9.The closing paragraph of the white paper should summarize the problem and describe how you are planning on solving it. Be sure to also include the results you hope to see.
For Philip Deramo, Berkley Re America’s Vice President, the recent issue of Cyber Liability has been the topic of his white papers.